Look what i actully stepped on at the long beach swap meet it was laying on the ground at a vendors booth I knew what it was i dont think he did I got it for 5 bucks i thinks its an original glove box light for a fifty pickup i didnt have the striker plate thats what i beleive to be what the 2 holes on the inside of the glove box are for so i made my own striker plate check it out.
I love it when things work out that way! Lokks really sweet in that perfectly appointed truck of yours. I don't think I've ever seen one before...only that they theoretically existed. Flashlight
Saw pics on ebay I saw pics of the light on ebay it stated the year and model and pic of the light and striker plate other wise i woulndt know what it was supposed to look like. I like going to the long beach swap meet its big enough to find lots of good stuff and not to big like pomona where you dont have enough time or energy to see it all. I did find a hood emblem there also.
Same as my 48 car Your glove box light is a match for the glovebax light in my 48 Chevy Fleetmaster. Very nice. Jim
same as fleetmaster? Hummmm I wonder if it is truely for my year make and model or what now. does any body know thanks.I do know that the holes on the light housing line right up.
That's really nice! I found the same light switch on a Chevrolet 49 (don't know what model because it was only the dashboard!) but I didn't notice those 2 holes up there, so I tried a different way to make it work, you can see it in the picture. The white/transparent thing attached to the switch is a peace of plastic I found that let's it make contact with the glove box door. I think the way you have it was how it was originally, also you may have solved the mystery about those 2 holes that are on the glove box door! I even made a thread about it Here . Maybe they used the same light switches between cars and trucks and that's the reason because it's the same.
2 holes inside glove box thanks vankar that works the way you have it or you can make a striker where the 2 holes are and move it I dont think anybody will notice exept me and you.