ok going to give another rochestor B carb a try. 216 engine. going to rebuild and hopefully end up with a carb that runs good, and does not leak. do any of you have a good recommendation on a rebuild kit? I want the best most complete kit available.. I find lots of kits online ebay, napa online etc.. but they range in price from $15 to $40 without descriptions of whats in the kits. I assume the $40 kits are better and have more parts but can't tell.
I've had great results with the napa kits. Used to rebuild mine on the side of the road when it filled up with black silt.....got pretty good at it.
Carb rebuild The $15.00 kit usually works just fine. It is very important that you do a good job cleaning the carb and make sure the passages are blown out. Make sure on assembly that you put the balls in the correct places.(The small ball goes in the power jet). Most important is to set the float level with the ruler that comes with the kit. Be sure the needle & seat moves freely. Don't get in a hurry and it should come out just fine. Gene
I'm Late For Class ! Sorry guys ! . They allready told you what you need to know , I use/like/recommend Tomco Kits from NAPA , some NAPA stores will give you wholesale price breaks if you talk to the Mgr. and set up an account... you'll have to _USE_ it then though so think hard first . If the float is anything but perfect , TomCo also sells brandy new brass floats , buy one it's cheap insurance . Be aware the Rottenchester ' Leaks Alot ' Series B carby , got wet around the Air Horn to Float Bowl joint when they were new , 50 years ago , there's only ONE way I know to staunch that seepage (seep not leak) and I won't tell unless the guys more experianced guys here tell me to as it's a good way to ruin a carby . Lastly , you _MUST_ installl some sort of fuel filter at the carby inlet , NO WHERE ELSE will do ! , I highly recommend the WIX/NAPA # 3011 clear plastic Micronic paper element ones.... I know some places sell the glass bowl typ of fuel filter , that's better than nothing and looks apropriate too .
Any did you put yf964s on yours? I have been keeping an eye out for one, I am planning on swapping out to one YF once I find one.
Rochester carburator B 1 barrel. Sir I had the same problems with mine Rochester 1 barrel carburator. Bought a complete kit from this compagny and i am very satisfied with the results. http://www.carburetor.ca/ Regards Martinius Berg
ok thanks all, I purchased the rochestor b rebuild kit from napa yesterday, and will rebuild the rochestor b and see, not to hopefull as I have been struggling to get the rochestor b's to work properly and not leak gas all over. also purchased a Carter 787s off ebay today, when it arrives i will rebuild it as well. then givem both a try and use the one that performes the best..
Carter YF Vs. Rochester 'B' Series There's NO comparason ! . The Carter runs circles 'round the cheaper , simpler Rochester , assuming it's any good . The Rochester is a very good , old tech , hard to screw up , easy to fix in the field (literally , by farmers) carby but it'll be wet around the Air Horn to Float Bowl joint no matter what you do . If it ' leaks all over ' it's either warped beyond repair or much more likely , it's flooding/too high float level . If you but look , there's plenty written about the Carter YF carbys , they made them for millions of cars & trucks so be sure to get the right one .