Does anyone know the firing order for a 1963 230 six banger ?? Do all inline chevy six's have the same firing order ??? Thanks in advance.ML
According to the 1963 Chevrolet Truck Shop Manual (Page 6-14) both the 230 and 292 have the same firing order 1-5-3-6-2-4. The cylinders are numbered from front (1) to rear (6). Other tuneup specs from the manual (Page 6-3) are as follows: Spark Plugs - AC 46N Gap - .035 Dwell - 31 to 34 degrees Point Gap - .019 (new) .016 (used) Timing - 4 degrees BTDC (at idle speed with vacuum advance line disconnected and plugged. Idle Speed (manual)450-500 rpm Idle Speed (powerglide)450-500 with powerglide in drive. Have fun!