I'm amazed I've not seen one of these in the local yards . Please help me out fellas ! my '76 GMC's Chevrolet L6 292 CID engine is dying and I can't begin the overhaul until I find an intake manifold... TIA ,
Nate, educate me on the 292. It was strictly a truck engine, correct? If memory serves, the 250/292 6 replaced the 235 and was put into service in '63 and discontinued in the late '80's? Is an intake manifold from a 250 interchangable with the 292? Given the span of years, would an intake manifold from say a '65 be suitable for use on a '83? Is it a 1 bbl or 2 bbl setup? I've got several other questions, but will ask the most relevant one for now and leave it at that. How much is one worth and what is your threshhold of pain to get one? I'll do some digging around down here as there must be some boneyards down here that haven't been picked to death! Ken
Thanx ! . , it appears to be the same as a 250 intake ,I need one with NO EGR drilling . Pix before spending any Lolly would be wise , I've already passed over a P-A-P one because it had an EGR valve in it . I'm now well past $3,500 into this $1,500 (IMO) value truck , now it looks lie it needs cylinder head work so I'll go ahead & overhaul the engine too , might as well since God alone knows if I'll ever be able to sell it . I'm not going to open it up until I have the intake manifold in hand though .
' Threshold Of Pain ' As I live in significant pain 24/7 , my personal threshold is rather high . if you mean do I mind prying it off some junker in a Hog Waller , no I don't mind atall . The price thing , not sure but i do need it . whole takeout engines are under $300 so how much can the intake alone be ? I got a brandy new exhaust manifold for under $200 .
Manifold That's so close I'll need to match this Pic to mine , that one is from a slightly older truck , if it'll work I'll buy it . THANX ! .
Pix ! Hm ; I can't make that save nor print any bigger than a useless thumbnail , can you perhaps E-Mail these three pictures to me ? . VWNate1 (at) yahoo.com I need 'em as large as possible so's i can see the details when I walk 'em out to my truck
Bump Chris ; I hope you're still out there....... If anyone needs V-8 parts , they're crushing old Chevy & Jimmy 454's at an astounding rate ~ hard to believe but NO ONE wants American Iron any more
Got It ! THANK YOU Chris ! . Amazingly , many people in the '73 ~ '87 forums looked at my post but NOT ONE offered any help . Yours arrived yesterday afternoon , the Post Office used it for football practice so it shifted about inside the box and smashed the loose parts (dangit) but it looks ready for me to clean & re - paint to match , I can hardly wait . THANK YOU ! (note clever use of GMC red there .......)