Hey gang, I got a 1/2 ton axle to put on my '50 3600 so I can upgrade the front brakes. I was going to just use the bendix brakes that are on the axle, but after taking them apart and seeing all needs to be replaced I think I'd be as well off getting a disc set up for the front. I see the discs are offered in both 5 and 6 lug and I don't know which to get. I can understand matching the rear wheels, but my rears are 8 lug right now, so is there any reason to choose 5 over the 6 for the new fronts? I do plan to change the rear end in another year or so- am I more likely to find a 5 or 6 lug doner for the rear? Also, I know a couple of guys here have put a half ton axle on a 3/4 ton truck- anything I need to look out for? thanks for the help-
I went with the 5" 4 3/4 pattern because of the rim availability. More choices with this setup, as you can use almost any Chevy rear end, rims, etc.
I am one of those who installed a 1/2 ton axle on my 52 3/4 ton truck and did not run into any problems in the swap. All the 3/4 ton parts bolted directly up to the 1/2 ton axle. I also installed a 5 lug disc brake kit and power steering as well and so far haven't seen any problems there either. Just for the record my truck is not on the road yet.
When I bought my truck, the rear axle had already been switched out. Was told it was from a nova? but I never really researched to see if it was. Wish I knew what the gearing was. http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w124/rockfan1815/PIC00012.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w124/rockfan1815/PIC00011.jpg
Chris, Are you running a toyota steering box? Where does the power steering pump mount. I think I may see it just below the alternator. I have an a/c compressor in that spot, but would maybe like to convert it to p/s also. Can the same setup be done with manual steering box? Just swirling around some ideas. Thanks.....Mike
decide on what rear you will use first. Best bet is to go ahead and buy the rear so you will not have to search when you need it. That is if you have room in your den for it.
do the rear first, then match it. I find that F**d has a greater selection of factory steel wheels, that look old school. There are also lots of other cars and trucks that use 5x4 1/2 pattern.
Im running a gm box thats mounted on the side of the frame using cpp's kit. Pump is mounted where the gen/alternator was, and alternator is mounted above the pump. http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w124/rockfan1815/power steering pump/100_0618.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w124/rockfan1815/power steering pump/100_0883.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w124/rockfan1815/power steering pump/100_0882.jpg
That's the same kit (although I bought it from Br0ther's) that I put on my '57. Beware of bump steer if the drag link isn't parallel to the ground.
Chris, Thanks for the great pictures. That helps a lot. I will save them for reference. Still unsure which direction I may go........Mike
~Pictures~ of a 6-lug disc conversion Thanks to Bill Hanlon, I spent a fair amount of time over on the "G" site. Here is a link to some great pictures that show a CPP 6-lug, disc brake conversion. (I just L-O-V-E pictures!!!) Hope it helps anyone who might be thinking of doing this... http://jbhardin-gallery.com/trucks/54gmc.html