52 Project

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by pmoron, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. pmoron

    pmoron Member

    Sep 20, 2013
    Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Hey guys/gals,

    I've recently bought a 52 and I'm planning on doing a retro hot rod look with it. Unfortunately, I won't have storage for it until spring when my dream garage gets built. I was wondering if anyone can recommend a really good cover for it; the only ones I've seen so far are from LMC.

    The truck is a Canadian model, so I can't find much info on VIN decoding. I'm pretty sure it's a 1 ton, which I was told is a 3800, although I don't see much info to confirm that, other than a GVW of 8800.

    Anyway, if you folks can recommend a good quality cover for it, I'd appreciate it.

  2. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008

    Welcome aboard Peter. I would put the truck on a dry surface and Jack it up and put 4 supports under the axles.Then use a water resistant thick reinforced cover like the onces they use in construction building . I covered my truck this way in winter season and it came out good.

  3. 2OR4Wheels

    2OR4Wheels Member

    Jun 21, 2013
    Sierra Vista, AZ
    Welcome! Just so you know, everyone here loves pictures, so whenever you have any, please share! :D I wasnt quite sure all the specifics of what I had (knew it was a 3600) until several weeks in, because I wasnt familiar with these trucks at all. After googling, googling, googling, and reading every thread or webpage I could come across, I now know what I have. You can learn a lot, even browsing every thread on this forum... lots of knowledge and expertise running around here. No clue on a cover though, sorry.
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Weather Covering

    I'm using ' portable garage ' thing from COSTCO ~ it's a metal frameworks with canvas top and sides , work very well , I don't use the side & end panels , just the peaked roof panel .

    Because we get 90 + MPH winds here I have potted all six legs into 1/2 filled 5 gallon plastic buckets of QuickCrete , so far I get a few years out of each cover before they rot away .

    FWIW , I've seen similar looking rigs @ pep Boy and they suck , plain and simple because they all use tin foil steel in the tubes .
  5. pmoron

    pmoron Member

    Sep 20, 2013
    Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Thanks for the good advice, guys!

    Nate, we get the same kind of wind up here too (Saskatchewan), and I was going to build a shelter like that a couple years ago until I found out that the bylaws don't allow them. Probably because too few people do like you did and they wind up in a different yard. ;) I may do it anyway, what they don't know won't hurt me.

    Thanks Martinius, I think we probably share the same climate! I'll keep my eyes out for something like that.

    I put some pictures up on the "Project for me and my boy" thread, but I'll put some more up this afternoon.

    Thanks again!
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Canvas Shedding

    Use the grey , green or camo tarps and it'll prolly go un noticed by the Gendarmes .
  7. pmoron

    pmoron Member

    Sep 20, 2013
    Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Pics are up on my profile.

    I was talking to my dad awhile ago and he mentioned that he didn't think Chev ever made a short wheelbase one ton. I've been looking for a parts truck so I can get a bumper, valance, running boards, splashguards and anything else that looks better than what I have already. So anyway, every one ton I've found had a long wheelbase, so I crawled under there this morning, and sure enough, the frame has been sectioned in the back. Explains why the torque tube is gone. I may drive up north and bring home another one ton that has all the pieces I want and just short everything to match. Luckily we're renting out our house until January, so I can hide that I have 2 trucks until then. I doubt my wife will be pleased. Cheaper than ordering everything from LMC, though!
  8. markcp

    markcp Member

    Oct 17, 2012
    Southern Minnesota
    I wouldn't use the blue style tarps. Any wind at all, it will wear through any paint finish you may have.
  9. pmoron

    pmoron Member

    Sep 20, 2013
    Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Thanks, Mark. That's something I've wondered. I've seen my poor dad ruin a paint job - that he had countless hours into - with the wrong cover.

    I just picked up a flat deck cover last night, but I don't think they're actually 25x30 like he said. It's been over 10 years since I had to use one of those and I can't remember their exact dimension. I may have to buy another insulated tarp. No big deal, though, since I can double up and use the flat deck one to tighten everything down.
  10. pmoron

    pmoron Member

    Sep 20, 2013
    Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Out and getting about.

    Snow melted a few weeks ago and it finally stopped raining last week. Truck is out front and on the driveway. Pulled the cover off (worked like a charm) and put in a new 6 volt battery. Started on the 3rd try! I've still got a nasty vibration above 40 mph and the brakes need to be bled, so that's first on the list. I'll have the front wheels off and get them balanced. Try that first anyway. After that I'll start looking for a 3100 front axle so I can get it dropped and go with 5 bolt wheels. Then I'll start hunting for a rear end (probably camaro, but I like the idea of sticking with old technology and maybe trying for a Bel Air diff).

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