54-55 First Series Rearview Mirror

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Ed3777, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. Ed3777

    Ed3777 Member

    Jun 16, 2008
    Puyallup, Washington
    I posted this query on the 55-59 site but it was suggested I might find an answer here.
    I am just finishing a 55 first series 3100 pickup and have a question about the rearview mirror. I've tried both the stock 54 (2 hole) and 55 (3 hole) mirror brackets but neither of then line up to the three holes at the top center of the windshield. In addition, neither bracket seems to want to sit comfortably at this mirror site.
    When I looked at before pics of the truck, I saw a dash mounted mirror on it. Does anybody know anything about a dash mounted mirror for this truck? I do have what appears to be a factory hole dead center on the dash at the windshield base. My original mirror has disappeared (my own fault) and other dash mounted mirrors I've seen at shows seem to be homemade.
  2. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    Good question

    My '55.1 came to me with no mirror and my dash also has a hole dead center like your does. Also, there are NO holes above the windshield to mount the 54-55.1 mirror arm shown in the catalogs. Those darn things are dangerous to passengers in a crash anyway so I mounted mine on the windshield glass like modern cars. I am interested in an answer to this one. If it mounts on the dash, then I would be interested in finding one myself. I would just figure out some kind of break-away attachment just in case.

  3. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Andy, I thought you'd be all over this one!

    When i suggested to Ed3777 to repost his question over here, I would have sworn that you would have known the answer. I guess it's up to Thunder54. Jim's mirror is mounted up top. Hopefully, he'll chime in and shed some light.

    Here's a picture of the inside of Thunder54 that shows the rearview mirror.

  4. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    Truthfully Ken, I just couldn't figure it out either. since I decided not to go original due to the safety hazard of it, it didn't really bother me. Like I said, there are NO holes in the top of the cab where you'd think a mirror would mount. I just figured that since they were optional, my truck never had one OR it was mounted on the dash where the "mystery" hole is. Of course, the "mystery" hole could have been added by a D.P.O.. Maybe the same one that cut out the radio grill in my dash:mad:.

  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    The inside rear veiw mirror was standard fittment . only the outside mirrors were RPO's .

    Why not look at some of the many original 'photos either in your owner's booklet or shop manual or some show pix to see how it's supposed to mount ?

    I thought it used a little bracket that's made of Unobtanium .
  6. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Nice But ,

    That add sux . I didn't know The Volo Auto Museum was a jerkoff joint .

    I used to know a guy who had a nice '54 Dodge like this , I wonder if he still has it in his Whse.....

    These Jitney Busses were still quite common when i were a laddie , YMCA , churches , youth camps etc. all had them as no one wanted the and they were hard to kill....

    I once looked at a 1960 Brand 'F' F-100 like this in a scrapyard , 240 C.I.D. 6 Banger and overdrive , it was cherry and no one wanted it , also pickup based and use standard pickup doors , making the pillars wierd as 'F' used dog leg doors in those years.....

    I Prolly should have paid the $150.00 they wanted for it .

    Not too far from me is a 1955 Chevy " Airporter " limousine it is passenger car based ., just sits there....
  8. Greg_H

    Greg_H Member

    Oct 7, 2006
    I disagree with the statement about inside mirror being standard. My truck didn't have one but it does now. I am betting the the holes in the top of the dash were from electric windshield wiper motor. They had two chrome screw heads that showed on top of the dash.
  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Why not go to the old car manual project OnLine ? I'm pretty sure they have a Chevrolet master parts catalog there....
  10. GrandpaGlenn0

    GrandpaGlenn0 Member

    Mar 22, 2006
    Hi Guys, My 54 has an inside mirror like Thunder54's-- I find it pretty useless-- since I'm 6'2" the angle is too low, I can only see about 50-75 feet behind the truck. It does look original but I can't be sure-- IIRC that was about the time GM moved mirrors from the dash to the windshield frame---
  11. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Incab Rear View Mirrors

    Were std. fittment long before the AD series of trucks , it was federal law .

    AD's all had them on the windshield divider in the split glass models . some used the odd sheet metal ' T ' , many others had a threaded hole in the divider .

    Why not ask Bob Adler ? he'll know .
  12. GrandpaGlenn0

    GrandpaGlenn0 Member

    Mar 22, 2006
    Volo is a museum/sales place in the NW suburbs of Chicago-- charge you to get in, then have many high priced old cars for sale as you go thru-- many on consignment so they are getting a commission--They may also do restoration work-- I can't remember for sure---
  13. mel 55_1

    mel 55_1 Member

    Apr 1, 2004
    My 55 1st had an obviously wrong inside mirror hanging from the roof when I got it.

    I bought a new bracket and mirror from CP and they screwed right up in there. As far as I recall the old one had some home made bolt holes and the one from CP went straight into the original screw holes.

    The other thing I remember about the mirror was the truck didn't have a headliner. When I added that later the job was made easier by lining it up with the holes for the rearview and screwing the bracket back on first to hold the whole front half in place.

    And, I think having that mirror hanging there helps safety. You know, a bit like having a steering wheel with a spike rather than an airbag will improve anyones driving.
  14. Greg_H

    Greg_H Member

    Oct 7, 2006
    The sales data book shows it as an accessory. It is a little unclear as it says on one line"Mirror, Rear view Inside (prismatic)" and on the next line "Mirror Brabcket, Inside"

    Then listed under standard equipment, the only mirror mentioned is L.H. Short fixed bracket.

    My truck has been in the family since the 60s and has never had an inside rear-view mirror until I installed one. It came with instructions for drilling holes for bracket. I have not had the headliner out yet but did not find any hint of pre-existing holes. And thsi truck is deluxe cab with the chrome vent windows, two tone interior, and extra windows.
  15. yodaman

    yodaman Member

    Sep 9, 2007
    Cecil County, Maryland
    Hopefully it is time to begin repaying for the knowledge I have gained from you all by helping out with this one. I can't settle the question about RPO or standard, but my 1954 Accessories Installation manual has the instructions for mounting the rearview mirror bracket. Instructions are as follows:
    1) Center bracket above and in center of windshield glass and measure 1/2 back or break line on windshield upper rail as shown in figure 9 (not attached).
    2) Using bracket as template, mark two holes in the head lining and drill two 9/64" holes through head lining and roof rail as shown in figure 10 (not attached).
    3) Assemble bracket to roof rail using the two self-tapping screws furnished.
    4) Mount desired type rear view mirror.

    Later I can try to post a scan of the actual pages if anyone wants. This may take awhile as my connection has the speed of two tin cans tied together with a piece of twine

  16. tclederman

    tclederman Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Albany USA
    From 1947-1955 the Advance-Design Chevrolet trucks came standard with a L.H. short fixed bracket exterior mirror. No other mirrors were standard equipment.

    Various other R.H. exterior mirrors and long and short and extendable brackets were available as either RPOs or GM accessories.

    The interior rear-view mirror bracket was an accessory/part number 986898 and it was used with part number 986948 interior mirror (the standard interior mirror head - see below). There were no holes drilled in the factory for this bracket/mirror, so there was an accessory installation instruction sheet (as described above).

    A day/night interior mirror-head was also available in at least 1954 (but I cannot find a GM part number). It fit on the same interior mirror bracket that had to be installed by the dealer or the owner (986948).
  17. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    '54 / '55.1 Inside Mirror

    Thanx all ;

    I have learned something new ~

    Growing up I remembered all vehicles having inside mirrors but the outside mirror wasn't required until the 1968 model year .

    I thought the inside mirror was a required item , obviously not so .

    Here's a link to a PDF tile of the factory inside mirror for '54 & '55.1 :

    http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/QM5dSF...LZILzNfJQ8oZ_njz-g/Inside Rearview Mirror.pdf

    You may have to join Robert's group to read it , it's a good low traffic group and you can set it to not send you any messages so it won't fill up your mailbox .
  18. Thunder54

    Thunder54 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Port Arthur, TX
    Thanks Mr. Clederman

    Wel, I've not chimed in, been away at Boy Scout Camp last week. More about that later.

    Ken's photos verified my inside rear view mirror (from CP), but here wer mounting holes and no stock mirror on the truck.

    My first '54 3100 from my childhood had only the driver side outside mirror as Mr. clederman decribes. i put al three mirrors on Thunder.

    Still don't get much rear view from these.


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