Thought you all might enjoy this Christmas Card my wife's company had made this year for their clients. They used a photo of my 54 as a model, the cartoonist took it from there. He is a nice guy and said I could share his work with you. Fun for me. Merry Christmas. Jim
In business context, and in keepng with their tradition of silly/weird Christmas cards over the past 10 years, it makes better sense. The humor in this card was pretty much "born on a mountain top...". I was really tickled to find out they used a rendition of my old 54 truck instead of any old cartoon 'pick-up' truck. Good fun for people my age. Jim
Great Stuff ! I love it Where;s the deer sauseges ? I wonder if you could get the rights to it and have one of the old truck vendors make and sell them , there's afew AD Christmas cards out now....
The cartoonist The cartoonist is Rich Diesslin. He has his own web site, and does this kind of cartoon/card thing to make a living. He'd prolly (Nate's word) work for one of the AD parts folks just like he does for others. He has a pretty decent sense of humor and will work with groups of editors quite well. Where there is venison, there will soon be sausage Nate, but we don't rush our sausage. Glad you had a laugh out of the card Jon, it is supposed to be fun. Jim
Good deal, Jim! What's in the back of "your" truck looks like someone followed me to work! The friggin' dear around here are that thick! Be sure to keep one of those cards in your glove box. Speaking of deer~ I don't know how it happened, I just know it happened when my 5 year old was playing on this 'puter. Now, all of a sudden, I have a deer running in space where my curser is. It runs non-stop. It's driving me nuts! I find myself making it run down the rows of words on the screen, hop across the hoods of the trucks that line up to the right of the "Classic Parts" logo... Help me, PLEASE!!!!
Cool Christmas card indeed! I loved it! I got this one in the mail this afternoon from one of my daughters. Click on the card to enlarge it!