OK - Got everything back together and went for a drive - about 50 miles round trip. Everything was great on the way there. On the way back the shift linkage got stuck in first gear. Got to a stopping point and got under the hood and I could move the linkage towards the rear on the column but not the front. Wiggled it around some more, cursed, wiggled the rear again with a little attitude and the front freed up. Cleaned my hands on the lawn, got back in and off we went. Went through a number of stop lights where I had to shift back through the gears with no issues. Got to within 5 miles of my house and it did it again. This time I'm in the middle of nowhere and there is no lights. I try again to wiggle and shake the linkage under the hood with zero success. I get back in and start driving and trying to use the accelerator to pop it loose, again no success. Finally I floor it and I hear it pop loose and I can shift again. I'm kind of stuck here on where to start looking for the issue. Any thoughts?
If you go to the archives, Nate, has a real good description of how to check out and adjust your linkage. A quick look can be made by popping out the nickel sized plug on top of the shifter box at the bottom of the steering column, clean the grease away with a small screwdriver and several rags, then see if the 1/2" wide tang on the shifter rod and the notches in the 1st/reverse and 2nd/3rd are all exactly in line when the shifter is in the neutral position. You can adjust by loosening the clamp(s) at the top of the shifting rod(s) and tap on the shift arm until the notch and tang are aligned. Most important--SHIFT IT RIGHT. Do not push the lever from the first gear position towards 2nd gear, instead grip the knob with your fingers curled back towards your face, move lever straight up towards reverse, then down in the neutral gate, and finally up into 2nd. This was called "H" pattern shifting and the more wear in the shifter the more necessary it becomes.
Thanks! I found a few posts by Nate and I'll check out the linkage. I'm pretty sure that you are correct about my shifting mechanics. I can bet that I was moving at more of a diagonal pattern vs. an "H" pattern. I'll work on that today.
Farm truck. Goes slow. Shifts slow. Treat it like equipment, not like a car. If you were shifting a tractor, you would shift it slowly and deliberately. Shift it like you were bouncing through ruts in the field. Carefully. Learned how to shift like this in my first car/project when I was 14. A 40 'Olds coupe with inline 8 and homemade linkage from column mounted shift box (like on the AD's) to the trans. It was REALLY a sloppy setup and had to be shifted "just so" or it wouldn't go. I believe Nate calls it "square shifting". Andy
Square Shifting ...Is indeed , what it is called . Find one of my old posts about lubing and _adjusting_ the shift box and the shift rods , then you'll find it'll shift fine once you learn Square Shifting . It's all very simple and easy , just nasty dirty as you've gotta clean out all the old rock hard grease before re - packing and re - adjusting else it'll not work . maybe someone here can put a link to it .
Thank You Yes , that's it ~ that thread should be made a ' sticky ' , headed " Column Shift Issues & Cures " .
Column shift issues and cures No Nate, THANK YOU! I'm going to "sticky" it here at home for future reference!!!
Thanks to all! I spent the day driving it from client to client. Not a single issue - I was very deliberate in the shifting pattern both up and down and experienced zero issues. The only problem I had was trying to steer, shift and wave back to all of the people who waved, honked and gave me the thumbs up. Not enough hands...
more hands and you think you need a radio? enjoy your truck, like having your own parade any time you want it, anywhere. Jim
My sometimes sticks ( won't go into gear) when i try to shift to 2nd. If i stop and start over again, it generally goes. I'll try your recommendation ASAP. thanks as always Nate!!
You're Welcome ! And thanx right back atcha for all the help and support I've received from all of you !