Still locating parts to change my 6yl 62 C10 to a V8. Truck now is a 235 with a T-10 4 spd. Going to a 305 with a late model manual 3 speed overdrive. Trans is a New Process where the 4th gear is the overdrive. These came in a limited number of early 80's Chevy pickups and are the same type transmissions that were also used in Mopars from the 60's on up. My truck also has the hydraulic factory clutch setup in it. At the time of the engine change, I want to put a dual master cylinder with a vacuum booster in so that I don't have to stand on the brakes with both feet!! Here is my question: Can I use my current clutch pedal with the z-bar mechanical clutch rod parts from a 63-66 instead of the hyraulic setup? Seems like a setup from a 63-66 truck might be easier to use than making brackets to mount a clutch slave cyl. AND....the new booster setup for the 60-62 hydr clutch costs $450 before shipping......very expensive----seeing that you can buy one for an automatic for less than half of that.
Well guys, going to use the hydraulic setup after all. Ordered the brake booster setup that has the clutch master also. Trying a Wilwood pull type slave cylinder.
Will do. Life seems to keep getting in the way of progress though. I love the saying...."life is what happens when you are planning something else". SOoooo true. I'd like to post some pictures if I can figure out how.