Hello all, So, I have survived a divorce and back surgery in the last month. Both left scars, only one is visible. My doctor said "you could probably use a new bed now that you have had surgery", so I promptly called Mar-K, and it was delivered yesterday. I am sleeping better already! My younger daughter asked me the other day... what color are you going to paint MY truck? So I guess she'll have to help me build it (I love it when a plan comes together). Have a safe and happy Independence Day. Mike, Wilton NH
What a HOOT! I LOVE IT!!! I'll try this line when I get around to needing my bed put back on! So there will be another young lady driving an AD~ Cool! Happy 4th everyone! Ken~ that truck of yours will be in a car show, RIGHT???
new bed Got all fingers and toes crossed about my bed, will let you all know if the promise does actually appear!
New bed Mike, good thing your doc didn't suggest a waterbed...probably would have all just run out between the frame rails. Glad you are sleeping better! Bob
Mike ; Glad to hear the surgery worked out for you . Those Mar-K beds are great , assemble and tweak to suit , _then_ dis-assemble and paint to suit , follow that order to avoid dissapointments . Sorry about the other thing , BT , DT and yes , life gets better , don't rush anything , take as much or little time as you need ,we're here for you .