Great story, about a '57 Chevy [car] that was recovered 30 years after it was stolen [twice].
Stolen cars heading for Australia. I am glad the owner got his car back. I read another simmilair story about a guy whom lost his VW cabrio beetle car in the 70-tees and whas returned to him by the police in Michigan this year. It whas ready to be shipped to Australia to.
Theft Returned Nice ~ I have a few I'd love to see come home , mostly my Son's 1963 VW # 117 DeLuxe Beetle he built him self , it was a serious street racer and he learned (I hope !) a good lesson about being a good winner , not the sore head he was when they stole it . He built it to beat the then popular Honda Civics but overshot the mark so far , he was taking on and handily beating V-8 powered American cars . He was always rude to the losers and I told him he might get shot , instead they followed him nearly 45 miles then waited for that 10 minutes he was away from it and *gone* . Live and learn , here in California they catch stolen vehicles near the docks daily .