Good day to everyone As you know my truck have the standard Huck brake drum system around included the old type master brake cylinder. I upgraded the rear drums and master cylinder this year but i am still not satisfied with the braking results when driving the truck. The system works fine technically but driving in those hills uphere makes me considdering another solution. I am thinking of buying a power brake booster to improve the braking effect moore. Will i get better braking results when upgrading with the power booster only ? Existing brake lines will need to be modified it says in the discription. What parts do i need to modifie the brake lines ? Martinius.
From my how to assemble thread: Brake lines are run. If anyone is re doing their brake lines, you will need..... 1-20" line, from the master to a "t" 3 30" lines...1 from the "T" to the left front rubber line, 1 from the "T" accross the crossmember to another "T", and one from this "T" to the right front rubber line. 1 61" line from this "T" to the back, 1 union 1 40" line from union to rear rubber line. With these lines, they fit exactly when bent, and you don't have to flare any fittings!
Power Assisted Brakes Yes , you'll notice better braking with less pushing . Remember Martinus , these trucks were designed to run 45 MPH wide open unloaded and to use engine braking at all times , be driven slower when loaded . I hope you didn't turn (machine) the brake drums as thin drums heat up and fade very quickly , worse in hills . I took Bendix Factory Brake Service Training and they were adamant about NOT turning the drums , ever ~ only if the brake pedal pulsates or they're severely bell mouthed . I hope this helps .
Brakes issue Hi Nate and Old Chebby I upgraded the brakes with new rear brake drums and new shoes , aswell changed the inside parts in the master cylinder. What i heard from an inspector at the State car inspection in Norway is that i am not allowed to you spacers so i have to drop the thought upgrading with the 6 lug discbrake conversion kit, therefore i need to know if it has any meaning to upgrade the brakesystem with only the brake power booster? Thanks Martinius.
power brake Martinius, i will start with my work -power brake with exist huck brakes - next week and come back with a report. I use an MC system from CPP
Power brake booster install Hi Volker I am very intrested to know how the brakes will work without the proportional valve inside the booster as you are going to use it fore drum brakes purpose only. Be kind to tell me how you upgraded the brakelines aswell. Pictures will help offcourse ! Attached PPC install instructions link ; Have an nice day Martinius.