Ike came up through here with 70 mph winds. We had tornados in 74 that wern't this bad. No home damage but no power. Expect it to be out for about two weeks. I'm more fortunate than most...running on a gene. I was wishing for rain but didn't even get that. No work, no batteries, gas is hard to find, and all our repair crews were already sent to Texas. But ya know what? I've talked with neighbors more in the last two days than I have in the past year. Had grandkids playing board games of all things. What are chinese checkers? Ha! No electronics. What a hoot! Nice to get grounded once in a while. Our brief inconvenience is nothing compared to what's happening in TX and LA. Keep praying for them...just laugh at me Rick
sounds like fun but, just out of curiousity if you have no power how are you surfing the net? -Robert
Thanks Gator We're actually in pretty good shape. Generator is keeping our freezer and fridge running plus a little power for lights and tv. Cable still working and so is the landline phone for my dial-up. They said this AM it may be three weeks now! Gas at $4.15 and Generator using 10 gal/day still better than what they are dealing with in TX. Now lets see...oil closed at $96 during yesterdays miserable day on the market and gas is still going up...go figure! Thanks again, Rick
Rick Where are you ? . I don't understand how Ike was only a # 2 Hurricane but did much more damage than Katrina , a # 5 one...... When I were a laddie I lived through a few hurricanes , one in particular was terrible , maybe 1960 or 1961 ? . About the gasoline : it closed @ $92.00 / BBL. to-day but you needn't worry because Congress asked the oil companies if there was any gougin , collusion or price fixing and they said " !NO! " so everything's O.K.
Nate We're in KY. I can't give you the details of what happened but for us lay folks lets just say this: The storm damage isn't necessarily related to the CAT score assigned to it. That is only done on wind speed. This storm was 600 miles across thereby much more sustained damage. Kinda like the "Perfect Storm" several years ago...Ike joined up with the cold front moving south. All the rain was on the north side of the front but across the front line itself was nothing but wind. We took 70mph wind for over an hour as the front moved through. Nothing tornadic but straight line winds. All the rain went north to Chicago/Indi./Cleveland. Unlike you guys in CA, we are use to the fronts coming but rarely do we get these "straight line" winds. What's worse is the damage is along the whole of the front, not just from isolated tornados. Things are getting back to normal faster than I expected. Heck, Mc D's even open today. Work still out of power. Lots of folks lost all their refrigerator and freezer goods. Now, no work for money to replace it. Unemployment doesn't always pay for acts of nature but I think they will if, in this case, it's a disaster area. We're much better of than our guys in TX and LA. Rick