Man... I live in the South and it's hot & humid already... gonna be a hot summer I think. My overall plan includes adding AC to my 52 but that's down the road a bit. Anyone have any thoughts, ideas on any type of fan or vent system inside the cab of these trucks to have air moving all the time? It's ok when I'm driving with the windows open but I feel like a chicken in an oven when I am sitting at a stop light or in traffic.
When these trucks were new there was an aftermarket dash mounted fan with soft rubber blades (kid proof) that places like JC Whitney sold. Later 12v fans had a wire basket around the metal blade. If aimed at your face they did help when setting still. You might google "dash mounted fan" or check ebay.
In Cab Fans I have a N.O.S. vacuum fan on the steering column , it twirls gaily as I drive but doesn't actually move any air..... Truck stops will have modern 12 volt electric fans that move a goodly bit of air , mount above the winshield so they move the fetid air out and you'll feel better . The better ones actually reciprocate left & right . Swamp coolers work great , only in the desert and only when you're moving tho' .
Dash fan Here is one made out of solid gold!|65:12|39:1|240:1318 Bob
You'll notice he's selling in Sun Vally , Ca. to Vintage VW enthusiasts , there's a cadre of people who don't understand VW's are economy cars , they buy up every possible accessory and put them on never driven garage queens and screw up the hobby for everyone else.... He cut the end off the wire of that NO.S. fan he prolly paid $25.00 for and now wants some young kid who doesn't know any better to pay through the nose forit .
Ha ha ha ha! OMG! I can't believe he is selling that fan for THAT price.... I have a few ideas to channel air from the cowl using some 12v electric fans that I could turn on and off as needed, everything would be under dash. If I can make it come to life I will post pics - may be a week or two though.
This may like the one Nate has. Not gold plated but may be like Nate says. I am not the seller.|65:12|39:1|240:1318
Another Slickster ! Impressive add , notice how there's plenty of old GM backdrop but no picture of the box it came in nor the GM part number...... The one I have is very similar but was made in the 1940's unlike this one , mine has the rubber fan blades and no cage . Neither one moves a mouse fart worth of air but the gaily twirling propeller is fun to watch
The link below should be to a fan which just sold on feabay.