another newbie

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by gerrad, May 24, 2009.

  1. gerrad

    gerrad Member

    May 24, 2009
    farmington nm
    hey, out camping this weekend and stumbled onto this sight looking for some parts. so far i have found a lot of nice trucks and people with great info. i have a 75 chevy 1/2 ton 2wd with a 454/400 tranny. My granddad gave me the truck when i was 13 for my first truck. he had bought it brand new and was his pride. my dad and i worked on it for 3 years till i got my licence. by the time i graduated we had it fully restored. well married my high school sweet heart and got a house and didnt have to much time for the truck or the money. so it sat at my dads for a few years. well finally got to my dads to pick up the truck and found mice beat me to it. so it took about another year to get the time and money to re-wire it. well not to long after i got that was done i lost my granddad and decided im going to re-restore the truck in his honor. i got it running and road worthy again know just need to get it reg. thats the first thing im going to do tuesday since i am still on vacation. when i get home tomorrow ill upload some picks. she is all there, just needs some fresh paint and some tlc. but she will be going again!!!!!
  2. David Hall

    David Hall Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Chesterfield Va.
    Welcome to the forum Gerrad, post those pictures you promised.

  3. gerrad

    gerrad Member

    May 24, 2009
    farmington nm
    here they are

    still need to do a little clean up. i have only had it at the house for a couple of weeks

    Attached Files:

  4. David Hall

    David Hall Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Chesterfield Va.
    Good looking ride, have any plans?
  5. gerrad

    gerrad Member

    May 24, 2009
    farmington nm
    soon i hope to have the body prep'd for paint and then strip the inside. before i take it to paint im going to yank the engine and rebuild it. the engine was rebuilt in the mid 90's but is gettin a little tired. it has an rv cam in it now. i want to go a little more on the cam but dont want to get to out ragous. i still want to drive it semi daily. im going to get a new camper at the end of the year and want to use it as my tow rig. i got alot to do in a short time but its worth it in the end. i already have exhuast on it. i have hooker headers, dual 2 3/4 pipe- 40ser 2 chamber flows with 3" dumps. the tranny is still fresh, maybe 5000 miles on it. when it was rebuilt we put a stage 2 shift kit in it. i have had to replace the passenger side rear window a few times for people not ready for 2nd gear.:D well ill keep everyone updated on my quest.

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