Another throttle cable question...

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by yodaman, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. yodaman

    yodaman Member

    Sep 9, 2007
    Cecil County, Maryland
    After checking the threads I haven't found the answer to my probably dumb question. After breaking the cheap repop throttle cable once (and then fixed with a hydraulic compression tool, try coming off now sucker!!), I still can't see what makes the cable stay pulled out overcoming spring tension on the accellerator. I pushed the gas pedal as I was pullling out the cable and it comes out fine.....and then pulls itself right back in. What gives?

  2. Steve Katzman

    Steve Katzman Member

    Oct 14, 2007
    Smooth cables

    You must have done a great job on your cable and made it too good! As far as I know the only resistance is in the cable itself so all you probably need to do is build a loop or half loop into it somewhere and there will be enough resistance to keep the spring from overcoming it all the time. (under the dash where the cable is there are some clips built into the brace that the cable can snap into that will let you get a little bend in it.) And take the advise that I have seen Nate tell others here, don't use it as a cruise control:eek:
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    All Is Well Josh

    This means your cheapo re-pop throttle cable won't rust up and jamb .

    It was meant to hold the engine off idle for cold weather warmup in those cold areas these trucks were used in , NOT as a cruise control as so many want , unless you have a serious death wish .

    I always take the new cables apart before installation and liberally grease them so they snap back smartly , then to make it idle fast , I use a clothespin between the knob and dash , works like a charm .

    You can ever so slightly kink the cable too but that usualy ruins it so beware.
  4. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    I used to build Maxda RX-7's when I was younger. would buy them from the auctions after they were stolen and stripped and put them back together with parts from the scrap yard cars from stupid p.o.'s that wrecked them. They had a neat little thing...a manual choke that was electric!!! As the screaming wankel engine warmed up, the choke would slide in on it's own and would not stay out when pulled. Often the electric thingy would fail and the choke would not stay out at all, even when cold. I found that a penny wedged on edge behind the knob worked just fine until the engine warmed up. A one cent fix for a $100.00 part:D. Too cool.

    Great cars BTW. VERY well engineered and ran like a bat out of H*ll. Loved every one I built and sold for profit:D. A great build now as first generation RX-7's are very cheap to come by. New blocks are cheap, Holley makes carbs for them, performance parts make them scream, especially the headers (which solves the one really bad design flaw). Thinking about building one with the kids in the future. A really cheap and fast race car as well for the circuit as the weight distribution was nearly perfect. Sway bars front and rear, sticky tires, a Holley 4 barrel and you were seriously good to go. Oh joy:D!!!

  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Theft Recovery Salvage - Reconstruct

    Andy ;

    We're closer than you think :D

    I did this for years and years with VW's .

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