I checked on my $25 rearend from a 65. It measures 62" mounting flange to mounting flange. Exactlly like the original in my truck. I also found a set of 15x8 rims from 75 chevy truck, there the ones that take dog dish caps. I bolted just the whhel up on the rear of the truck today. WOW it looks really good,but it sticks out pretty close to the fender. Does anyone have this set up on a lowered truck. I want to know if the tires are going to rub the fender. Not slamming the truck just 3-4 inches. Pics would be great and tire size also. I was thinking 235-70-15 or 275-60-15.
Bolt up both tires on the '65 and then measure outside to outside on it and then measure the distance from the end of the wheel well to the other side of the truck at the end of the wheel well. Hope this helps. It is said by some the AD's are not as wide as the rearend from a 65 . https://talk.classicparts.com/showthread.php?t=9099 Rear end gearing ( 1 2) coilover
I had a rear out of a 90 town car, it measured about that. I ran stock ford steelies with 235/75/15 and they just fir. You may hae to pull out the fender just a little. I just grabbed and pulled all around the opening, worked well.