Off topic for this site so I will provide a link for you so as not to offend anyone on this forum by posting pics of my latest build. It's a brand "F" traditional Model A AV8 hotrod. By traditional, I mean it is NOT a rat-rod, but built period correct for the early 1950's with no parts newer than 1950. Money and time have been tight on this build so it's going slowly. I can't understand how those who don't do this for a living can finish their builds so quickly. They must be independently wealthy and retired in their early 30's. Anyway, click the link below if you're interested. Andy
That is an awesome read/thread!!! Thanks, Andy! I am now w-a-y late on my morning routine, but that was worth it! I bet your kids are in seventh heaven!
not offended! All I can say is WOW. Very nice. Press on! Please keep us in the loop. The fact that it is brand "F" matters not.
Nice going, Andy. You no longer need to call it a 30-31 since the recess in the firewall where the fuel line and valve is makes it a LATE 31 model. Keep us updated.
Late '31 Yup Evan. Good call. I didn't know that when I started the build or the thread, but I have known it for quite some time. I'm going to have to recess the firewall a little in the middle to clear the back of the intake manifold and the fuel pump stand. Wasn't sure if I was going to chop up that firewall or get a different one since they are a little hard to come by. Decided to recess the one I have in the car but minimally and tastefully. Andy
I just bagged the frront of a 53 Fo*d truck... the front license plate nearly touches the ground. On to the back....
Over To The DARK SIDE Andy ; Nice project , I hope you're still having fun with it . My first A-Bone was a '29 with 72,000 original miles on it , had been a Movie rental car since the 1950's , original paint even .
Andy, Been spying some on the HAMB and like what I see. If the cleare Andy, Been spying some on the HAMB and like what I see. If the recess in the firewall isn't too great you can form, not beat, a nice bowl shape with a ball peen hammer. As the metal stretches it will tell you where to strike so you end up with a nice smooth bowl rather than a lumpy dent. Heat may be necessary as the metal MUST stretch or it will pull from every direction on the surrounding metal and can cause troubles. I would look at it as a two or three hour job, not a 30 minute one.
Coilover's comments reminds me of a vendor logo from Brighton True Edge Heads, a long time fabricators of heads and other components for pressure vessels.