Does anyone know of a source where the Assembly Manual can be viewed online? I like to be able to blow pictures up to see them hard to do witha hard copy. Bill
Simple answer? No! My copy of it has been reproduced so many times that the pertinent info is unreadable. I don't know if I've ever seen an original! I'd love to have an original version of it!
Why Not ...Just buy one ? they're $30.00 new and the one I have is a decent copy , pix are all pretty clear and text readable .
Just don't expect it to be a total panacea ~ it's a comprehensive guide for the factory trained assembly worker . Chock full of critical details and stuff but nothing atall about HOW to get that big pile of parts in the garage back into one solid lump of joy . Remember : books are great but only if you take the time to READ them , open your mind to the information therin .