I just got my truck back from my mechanic last Saturday. He had the engine purring like a kitten...would you believe howling like an alley cat? It turned out the freeze plug against the firewall was OK? I just did not tighten the nut where the temp sending tube comes off the block. Super good news. Then he discovered that I had a fuel leak at the tank. I brought the truck home and removed the seat and seat frame. Then I took the tank out. I removed the 1/8" brass nipple off the bottom of the tank. I replaced it with a new one, a coupler and a plug. I sealed all of them with #5 pipe dope (the yellow stuff that is supposed to be for solvents) and it still leaks. It is leaking right at the 1/8" threads that are a part of the tank. The tank is a repp, so it does not have a tube brazed on. Does anyone have a recommendation for a sealant to get this to stop leaking? I was wondering if there was an epoxy that would work? I know I would never be able to remove the nipple, but that should not be a problem. I guess I could braze it on, but I would have to let the tank sit empty for a while so it won't explode. Greg
Have you tried any JB Weld in it? If not that, see what some yellow label (medium) Hot Stuff super glue with a shot of accelerator will do, Locktite threadlock, fill it with water and try to do some sheet metal soldiering on it. Or buy a repop.
Repop Fuel Tanks There's a new wrinkle ~ they usually leak from the seams . Get a bottle of paby powder (or foot powder , it's talcum you're looking for) , drain the tank and buttom it up , make sure the new brass fitting is scrwed snugly in so you cannot hand turn it excepy by a mighty shove , wipre the damp leaking area clean then dry by spraying it with Ether (starting fluid) and allow to dry . Puff lots of the powder all 'round the fitting and bottom of the tank , , shine a bright light and have your assitant pour in one gallon MAX of fuel as watch to see exactly where the powder turns dark first ~ that's the leak . Drain and remove the tank , take it to every radiator shop in town until you find one that'll solder it up for you . Or , go get your old nasty , rusty original tank and have it repaired like I keep telling you guys ~ re-pop fuel tanks are , IMO DANGEROUS BOMBS just waiting for the chance to explode and burn you and your wife/kiddies to a crisp .
I too had this issue with the reprop tank. I couldn't get the right fitting to go into the tank. The threads were so close, just not right. http://www.oldchevytrucks.biz/47_55/full.asp?page=114 Look down the page for the gas tank valve connector. I pulled my tank back out, and took out the connector i found at ace hardware, and put this one in. I too used some sort of solvent resistant goop. Let it dry for a day or so and then reinstalled. Haven't had any leaks and its been 6+ months. Hope this helps ya out.
repop tank samething with mine I took it to a radiator shop put soldier around the fitting not one drop of gas on the floor. it's been over three years now. Good Luck Robert