Bad Tranny Forks?

Discussion in '1960-1966' started by AC1108, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. AC1108

    AC1108 Guest

    [updated:LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-04 AT 01:48 AM (CST)]My 61 K-10 has a four on the floor that keeps trying to go to two gears at once. After taking the topside of the tranny apart I realize that the problem is in the tower part of the tranny more specifically the forks. I can't really put into words how I fix the problem other than wiggling things loose and trying to line the gears up so it's in nuetral again. Anyone ever have this problem and if so what did you do to solve it?
  2. 64K10

    64K10 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    I'm guessing that the tranny is still in the truck... Since you've had the top off were the forks bent or did they show excessive wear patterns?

    "...keeps trying to go to two gears at once" ??? When you shift the truck from 2nd to 3rd, or 3rd to 4th does the tranny make a grinding noise? If you "double-clutch" it does it shift easier without grinding? If it does the synchros probably need to be replaced. Does it ever "pop" out of gear when giving it gas or when you let off the gas??? Probably a bad gear or gear cluster. Best recommendation would be to have a tranny shop look it over, one that specializes in manual transmissions.

  3. AC1108

    AC1108 Guest

    From what I have experienced in the 15-20 miles I have driven it there has yet to be a time that it pops out of gear or grinds. The forks appear to be straight and look pretty good. I have a extra tranny that I took a peek at and it looks good also. My grandpa told me that if he put it in gear very rough it would stick and most commonly in first or reverse. I got it stuck once it first and fixed it sorda. He stated that if it ever starts to be a pain going to second it's going to get stuck soon. My mechanical apptitude towards gear driven objects sucks. Could it be a lack of patience?

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