Barn Door Window Rubber

Discussion in 'Classic Parts of America Talk' started by Big Bert, Sep 9, 2001.

  1. Big Bert

    Big Bert Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    This message is for Karen. I doubt you remember me but I'm the guy in GA (like I'm the only one, LOL)and I ordered a bunch of stuff from ya'll (you guys) and I specifically said to you that I didn't want Barn Door Window Rubber with the insert. I asked you not to send it if you didn't have the one piece, insert-less kind of window rubber. Karen maybe you put a note to shipping to that effect, but guess what I just opened the package and I have the insert type,the
    "install the insert, cut-it and butt-it"style of window rubber,
    I'm hating it and don't want it. I'm just venting here because I can't call today, I'm sure you'll make it right. I'll call tommorow. Thanks, Bert ;)

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