Yup, just like the semi in Terminator 2. Cruising down a three lane hwy yesterday morning in my '93 2500 suburban. Got a green light when some idiot on a cell phone pulls a u-turn right in front of me. Just couldn't get the brakes on fast enough and hit him in the right rear wheel opening at about 40-50 MPH. He spun 3 or 4 times. Nobody seriously hurt. 'Burb didn't even flinch, but it's done for. Don't pay to fix it at 400K miles. Kids favorite car. My youngest son was actually in tears when I told them "The Behemoth" was a goner. Andy
You guys need to outlaw cell phones! Then maybe the next 49 states will too. I'd love to see statistics on how many accidents have had one or both drivers using them at the time of the accident. Sorry to hear about Behemoth. Hope you're OK! Ken
Good to hear you are okay, sorry about the ride. People here even with the law against driving and talking on the phone, people are still running off at the mouth with them. They need to install a devise that will not let the phone work while the car is in motion/drivers set is occupied. Charles
Andy, Good news-- sounds as though you are OK-- Bad news-- truck is gone-- good news-- you can ask someone in California to find you another one! It should be cheap to relace now with high gas prices. Just happy to hear that you are OK>
done deal Bought my cousin's '93 1500 for $1000.00 today. Better shape, less miles, smaller engine, better milage. Kids are a little disappointed. The 2500 3/4 ton that I wrecked had a 454 with headers, sat high, idled high and was loud. They loved it and used to brag that our truck was bigger than anything on the road. They used to skoff at 1500's as being "small". S'okay though. 350 has better milage and the truck is nicer. Sure will miss the Behemoth, though. It really was a good and dirty ride. Always full of sand from the beach, roof loaded with melted wax from the surfboards, etc. Andy P.S.: ...and I do HATE cell phones. Can't tell you how many times I almost get hit while running.
Cell phone And cars are always bad news. Every time I'm in a close call it's with someone gabbing away and not paying attention. I'm at the stage in Houston where I now look to see if someone is talking on the phone before I pull out We need to get them banned in Texas! Andy, good to hear you are OK and sorry to hear about the Burb. When my kids were young we had an 87 with the 350, may have been the best truck I've ever owned. When we get together now we always talk about "Old Blue". I donated it to Voulenteers of America when it had 250,000 miles on it and I bet it's still running somewhere in Mexico
The Crash I am glad you're O.K. Andy ! Good you allready bought a new (old) truck , you could have bought a cherry '92 2500 'Burb anywhere in L.A. for $2,500.00 , the used car lots are _jammed_ with them .
Good news--your OK, bad news--an old friend is gone. Similar recent experience, my wife and I were going to pick up a 34 chevy coupe when a woman engrossed in her cell phone yakity-yak didn't notice there was a trailer behind my pickup so she cut in behind us. Her new Tahoe was no match for the front of the trailer (I still use it) and then there was a bit of poetic justice when a semi pulling a modular home tried to turn left behind her Tahoe and pulled it over the BACK of the Tahoe. I believe this would make me hang up the phone.
Just glad you're OK! Andy~ I am glad it wasn't worse than it could have been! You could have been driving in that truck of yours! I've driven a LOT and there is one thing all close calls that I've seen have in common... CLOSE CALLS!!! You just KNOW that nothing is more important than talking on a friggin phone! MUCH more important then, say, navagating a huge piece of death on wheels. Boop's dad~ Go get 'em!
Guys Guys guys guys, you fellas are always bangin on about 'the freedom to bear arms' or something or other, well therein lies your answer, make it open season on anyone using a phone whilst trying to drive! easily proved you were in the right as the phone record will prove they were using it and the call will still be connected. "Hi hunn, im just leaving the offi........" you get the picture Chiro, sad to hear bout the motor, read it twice cos i thought you were talking bout the truck!!!!! anyway, thankfull you and the crew are ok,
Thanks everyone for the good wishes. Whenever a conversation comes up about the kids favorite kinds of cars, first on the list is always "Suburban", followed by lambourghini, ferrari, etc. Kind of cool the way kids think. Tops on my list too. I'd rather have a great, old, dirty friend of an American made truck than any fancy foreign thing. Andy
Cell Phone Hell Wow... Andy, I almost missed this thread as I don't usually read all the posts. Glad all is well and that you are okay.