Told to move this post here for better response....... Recently purchased a project 3100 that has had the front straight axle converted to disc brakes with drum on the rear. There is a new mount for a booster and master cyl bolted to the frame. Any idea on what years will work as it still is a floor mount brake pedal. The rear has been replaced also with what I was told is a mid 60's Camero rear but have yet to determine what it is for sure. Thanks in advance, lots of questions coming on more issues but will take it a step at a time.
Welcome!!! Heck yes this is the site! Don't know where you asked before, but this is where you need to be. (I'm just a little surprised that no one has got with you.) Sounds like you have a pretty updated truck. What's been done to your truck covers all the things I have on my to-do list. (Colorado rear instead of Camero, just to save the 6 lug thing.) Maybe everyone is holding out for pictures! We LOVE pictures!!! Even if they're more *yawn* Chevy pictures...
Many street rod suppliers offer the booster/master cyl., combination. Ebay has many listed. The booster is a small 7 or 8" unit and the master is usually the dual Corvette one. Our host offers a kit but would maybe sell just the booster/master alone.
Got the cab off the frame and move the fram outside for some room to work. going to cut out the floor and replace with some new 18 gauge sheet metal. Nows the time to decide on any body channeling. Any pointers out there? Like how far can I go without causing radiator location problems up front? ummmmmm