cab smells like gas

Discussion in 'General Chevy & GMC Pickups Talk' started by Scott2, Jan 27, 2005.

  1. Scott2

    Scott2 Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    Greensboro US
    [updated:LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-05 AT 06:57 PM (CST)]Is there anyway to get rid of the smell in the cab from the gas tank. I was looking in a cataloge and they had a gas tank to put under the bed, but I was wondering If there were any other ways to get rid of the smell. Thanks for the help.
  2. Hardy Rest

    Hardy Rest Guest

    I would say roll down your windows?

    I didn't mean that rudely, although it probably came out that way. I did know a guy who took his and somehow moved it sitting against the front bed panel. He had to fix all new sending unit wires, but it didn't smell!
  3. dvalentine

    dvalentine Charter Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    You need to make sure that the tank and it's filler are in good condition.

    You didn't list the truck's year, but it is probably at least 35 years old. The rubber filler connector is prone to cracking and leakage, the seal on the cab that keeps the filler neck opening outside the vehicle, the fuel line running to the motor, the seal for the sending unit, all dry out and can allow fuel vapors to seep into the cab.

    The tank itself can leak because of age.

    Ask yourself some isolating questions. Like; " Does it smell ALL the time?" A yes there would require a through check of everything listed above. or " Does it seem to smell more on right turns ?" ( opposite side of filler.) Check all the rubber seals for the filler neck... "Is there gas in the cab under the tank?" RUN for it !!!

    Track that smell down ASAP. Not only are gas fumes not very good to breath, but gas vapors are HIGHLY explosive. Best of luck.

  4. Scott2

    Scott2 Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    Greensboro US
    Thanks for the help. The smell isn't to strong. I was just concerned about all the things like you guys said, health and stuff. I guess I'll be changing out those parts this weekend if that's the problem. Thanks again.
  5. dcsi5919

    dcsi5919 Member

    Mar 15, 2005
    Kansas City United States
    I have had five '65 or '66 Chevy trucks. I currently have three and only one of which smells like gas. It usually happens when I fill the tank. Seemingly the problem is at the connection between the filler neck and the tube that connects it to the tank nozzle. I tightened the two hose clamps and this seems to have fixed the problem except for the residual odor. I don't know the name, but there is a product used to mask the odor of gas fumes. I have seen it advertised in the Overton's catalog. They specilize in marine products. Good luck with the problem.


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