I will be starting my interior soon. I have already covered it all with Second Skin vibration dampener and need to lay some carpet. What is the best carpet,, cut pile, or loop pile? How to measure, where to buy and any other tips to stay out of trouble.
Most suppliers sell a kit, cut and ready. If you are going custom, you can use anything. Talk to an upholstry shop and ask them. After cutting it out, you need to have it bound on the edges. hey can also make floor mats for you.
Carpet Loop is the cheap stuff that always has those annoying little bits of stuff caught in the loops that are so hard to remove and won't simply vacuum out ..... It also isn't well backed and often begins to unravel before it's worn out . Cut pile is the best , looks different but cleans up easier and lasts about 4 X longer . Most folks just go wih the cheap loop stuff though and replace it often .