I am tired of taking the Channel Locks to the Ignition switch on my 53'. The foot pedal switch is gone and a newer dash starter type switch is in place. Does anyone know a way to mount a newer switch in the old notched hole in the dash. It will never tighten enough to hold it for long Does everyone carry a set of channel locks with them. The thing comes loose at the most inconvenient times.
Put a large stinless washer in front of the nut (behind the dash) and one behind the knurled nut to make up the space, then crank it down. Mine has a bit of a wobble and a spin, I'm just too lazy to fix it.
Washer model ? A thin curled washer or a star washer that bites its way into the metal on the bach side. You want to keep it steady and keep it gooing from turning loose right ! You could use some yellow loctite then your able to loosen it later. Martinius.
Flat washer ! Is what I use on my '49 3100 , it's never come loose yet . Maybe you're twisting the key too hard ? be gentle with it , when it stops turning & the starter begins to engauge , no need to apply force .
I used a newer switch in mine from a 55 and up, the type where you can take the key out and still turn the switch without the key but you need the key in to lock it. This switch has never came loose and is a nice looking switch as well. My 61 has the same switch too...Big Tim
OK, So I went into my parts box(es), found an original type back brace/support (47-54) from Classic parts, found the 55' or later (non-pedal) truck key cylinder from classic parts (not the kind Big Tim has). Took my dremel with small grinder and notched out holes at 1,6,11 o'clock in the brace and slid the cylinder into it snuggly. The original has about 7/8" reveal to the key hole, the new one has about 3/4" reveal. I will pick up some star washers tomorrow at Lowe's (1 1/4", 1 3/8") and crank her down. Hopefully this will be neat and solid...we'll see.