I stopped at one of the big chain establishments laughingly called a parts store to buy a jug of anti-freeze and a couple of 1157 bulbs. I had used up my cash at a couple earlier stops so I handed the kid my one and only credit card which has my name, the expiration date, and the last four numbers punched out with a paper punch. I do this so my card is safe even if I lose it in a ghetto. He said he couldn't accept a mutilated card and I told him the magnetic strip was intact and that was all his card reader needed when he slid it through the slot. He still wouldn't accept this so I asked him if they did telephone sales to which he replied "yes". I asked the phone number, took my cell phone, called him, and ordered the anti-freeze and bulbs. I stood with my nose 18 inches from his while he obtained the information he needed for a telephone sale and walked out with my goods. If they're not allowed to think why don't they just use robots?
He's a candidate for this year's Darwin Awards! That is both hilarious and saddening at the same time.
Gone InDEED And folks wonder why America is sliding down the tubes..... You cannot have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent Evan
Evan, That's great , QUICK thinking on your part. It would have never occurred to me to try that! Excellent-- at least one party in that exchange was using his head. Glenn