No matter what I was about to do he said be careful. When I played football he was always standing at the end of the field. He put me to work putting up hay, building fence and doctoring the cows. When I screwed up he was patient. When I did well he praised my effort. He built a track for me and let me drive a 61 Fiat taxi around and around till I had it on two wheels when I was 13. He took me to horse shows and car shows. He passed away last night at 91. He had a good life. I will bury him on Thursday, on my 53rd birthday. No regrets. I always knew he loved me and he always knew I loved him. Now he is absent from the world but present with the Lord. Gator
Bill, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I was just cruising down memory lane tonight thinking about my 2 heroes. I won't try to tell you that it will be easy (because it won't be), but just remember, he's still riding "shotgun" with you everyday! God bless you young man! Ken
You have my deepest sympathy. I lost my father a couple of years ago so I understand how you feel. You already said that he's resting with the Lord so we know he's in a much better place. Be thankful that you had him for as long as you did. You are in my prayers, Robert
Sorry to hear of your loss. Lost my Dad at 52. I was 13. I never know what is the right thing to say, but be strong.Breezy
Gater, Words cannot express..... I got choked up reading, thinking about the years I wasted not getting along real well with my dad and the short time I know we have left. I hope to be as good a father to my sons. God bless you and yours and you are in my prayers. Josh
Gator, I too just lost my Dad but we need not grieve-- it sounds like you had a wonderful relationship with him. He accomplished the true mission of a father- teaching you everything you need to do the same for your family. He can rest easy. We are among the lucky ones-- always knowing someone that could be admired as a hero. Cherish the memories of all the good times you spent together and make the same kind of memories possible for your family. Good men like him are rewarded forever.
Not Much to say other then I,m sorry for Your loss , & My Thoughts & Prayers are with You & Yours, Bob
Deepest sympathy, Bill. Take comfort in the times you had together and carry on with what he taught you through your own family.
What a fine testimony Gator. May we all be inspired to be as great a father to our kids, and to those who still have dads (and kids) it's never to late to start working on having a great relationship.
Gater thanks for sharing with us. its great that you have such a wonderful relationship with your father. I am 26 yrs old and my dad is my hero, always has been and always will be. My dad is 48 yrs old and I am so thankful for every min that we get together. My thoughts and prayers will be with you for you and your family. Thanks goes to Jesus and what he did on the cross for each and every one of us. With Him there is eternal life! No sorrow no pain just perfection. Something we all should be so lucky to have
Thanks for sharing that, Gater. I have a feeling you turned out just like him. Now, anytime you need him, you don't need to find your phone. Just start talking. He's right there with you. Peace and prayers be with you. Paul
Thanks to my online family for all your thoughts and prayers. We seem to have much more in common than our beloved trucks. Bill
Gator, I am so sorry for your loss. Please know we are all here to lend an ear for you. I am so glad you have such fond memories of him. Andy
He'll still be proud. Bill, I didn't realize you were right over here in Kingsport, why your just over the hill a piece. There's just a handfull of people in this world who are happy for your successes in life, a great many are just plain jealous. Suddenly that little group seems diminished. It took awhile for me to figure out that Dad is still proud of my successes, He's still watching...still saying, be careful! Flashlight, Greeneville TN.
I'm Sorry For your loss Gator but then you're a very lucky man to have had such a wonderful father and to have had him for so long . I hope I will be rememberd 1/4 this fondly by my son .
Gater, Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I lost my father 10 years ago this year and I still miss him. Howard
Your Dad Gator, We all miss our Dads when they're gone. We were so lucky to have them. My old truck is a whole lot about my relationship with my Dad (growing-up). Our thoughts are with you and your family, thank you for sharing with us. Jim