I took the old tired 216 out of a 49 I am trying to get running. (I am putting in a '54 235) Is there any value to the 216? Shall I toss it now? No use storing it for ten years and then tossing it.
I dont know what the value is on one but i had one im my 47 and I loved it. It had alot of low end power. Mine wouldnt win a race but I had alot of fun with it if the block wouldnt have cracked I would still have it in my truck
don't get rid of it!! especially if it was running! there's a ton of people (probably a few on this site) who would love to take that motor off your hands for you. i think your best bet is looking for those "restoration" guys who want a 216, just like what came off the factory floor. if you're serious, post it on some of those "for sale" thingies - here's some sites to get you started- http://www.chevytrucks.org/ http://www.stovebolt.com/ jon
It's _NOT_ Junk ! Yep , please don't toss it out as someone not only wants it , they _need_ it or the cylinder head off of it or summat . Ask around and keep mentioning it and someone will come take it away .....