Hi everyone I am new to the forum, i live in france and i have bought chevrolet blazer silverado 1983 6.2d (i love amerique) excuse for english , i m bad who can decoding "1g8ek18c1f15396" and who have a diesel also?
http://www.73-87.com/7387info/8187vin.htm You may want to recheck your VIN, the first 8 should be a C.
thank you my friend , i see but i dont know for "g8" and what "gvwr/brake system" 6001-7000 hydroliq ? and f= flint , the city of production? your are chance to live in usa ;-) , in france the part of chevy are scarce and expencive!
I'm pretty sure your "g8" should be "gc" for General Motors, Chevrolet. GVWR = Gross Vehicle Weight Rating, its about how much the truck weighs and it determines what level (hydraulic) brake system it needs. And yes, Flint, Michigan is the city where your truck was produced.
Thank you for all these answers. I am satisfied to see that it have there people who can inform us of l the other quoted of the antlantique Because to us one have no site to discuss it and it n have there a lot of chey in traffic. J would indeed have d the other question has to rest when I would be there restoration. but I see that to you it{*he*} n have there a lot of diesel in traffic. And yes to us l essence is has about 1 euro the liter, or 3.2 dollars the stripe. You understand why one looks for the dièsel!;-)