Older than me, but the theory is still good. And Nate will enjoy the moto footage at the beginning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjYRVZkB1_E&feature=PlayList&p=BD8DE85F7B6E644F&index=12
GM Training Films That was great ! I love the simplicity of these old films as they stress knowing theory before teaching you how to fix it...... You'll all be amused to know that I used to ride with The Victor Mc Laglen Stunt & Drill Team on my PanHead....... Victor Mc Lglen was a famous movie star in the 20's & 30's . I love the ' Artillary ' wheels on that Chevy . THANX for sharing this ! . I studied as many of these old fimls as I could in my youth , striving to be a better mechanic .
I want hubcaps like the ones at the end. The answer to the positrac question, by the way is "sort of".
Posi Trac The short answer is : there's a small clutch pack in the middle of the diffy carrier . This is why no one ever wants to yank out used PosiTrac rear ends , they think the clutches will always be worn out , I disagree as they're still only $75.00 drum to drum @ P-A-P
Now that actually makes sense! Thanks Bill! That's the first explanation of a differential that my feeble mind could actually understand! I always wondered why someone didn't win a Nobel for it! Bob