There are no visible wires after I removed my dome light. Where should I run the wires and where is the best place to tie into the harness?
The DPO prolly didn't know to clip onto them with a clothes pin when he was fiddling with the lamp , get a bit of coat hanger and carefully fish in the opening over to the driver's side , when you catch the wires , be gentle with them . If you wind up running a new harness , tap the power off the light switch on the dash . The factory shop manual has good wiring diamgrams and only costs $25.00.... Buy it , read it , get it all greasy & dog- eared , make notes on the margins ~ USE it like God & Generous Motors intended
Gallo the dome light wire runs up the left side a-pillar post. Not sure what year truck you have ? Most times the wire is gray or black looking in color. It runs to the left side of the light switch middle position. Wires around it should be gray in the front & orange in the rear. The lead should have power all the time. Also most trucks had a connector in the feed wire sometimes I have seen this just falls apart with age. If the wire is missing just run a new wire up the pillar with some mechanics wire. I would recommend using good quality wire and tape it up good to protect it.
And if your headliner's shot, get it the heck outa' there also. It'll make installing that wire m-u-c-h easier! Don't worry- after you get it all in there, you'll find out the switch isn't any good! DON'T GIVE UP OR THROW ANYTHING! It won't make the switch suddenly start to work!
Your correct Zig the little metal ball in the switch will be jammed or the switch itself will be coming apart. Just pry the retainer tabs back clean it then reinstall proper. Works like a new one every time.
Tanks! I'll give that a shot and see what happens! If it doesn't solve all my problems... .... .... (I can't get the faces to work in the text area for some reason, but if I could, which face would I be using now?????)
Zig I think if you just broke down and bought a chevy that would solve a lot of your problems there. Did I say that out loud???
Ha Zig, Please note while I may have thought it also. It was Kevin whom put it out on the public airways Come on GMC man stop towards the Chevrolet light. It is Very Bright isn't it ?
Hey guys, lighten up on my little bro! He's a wannabe. Give him credit for that! Zig is the best brother I've ever had, born of an alien mother! Zig, remember your therapy sessions. Just repeat after me after you slap yourself upside the forehead: I coulda had a Chevy...I coulda had a Chevy...
Stardate: 2007 I was approached by a bunch of manly men saying that I should have a straight smile on my truck. The ugly mug of my G wouldn't cut mustard in a pigpen. My resolve shot through the roof. There was NO WAY I was going C on my ride. G was me. Yeah- I'm a G man. A light doesn't work? Hey- that's okay. As the Great Nate said... I have a L-O-N-G motor. Yeah, my draft tube is slightly longer than normal, not like Big B, but with a little welding I'll have a tube that comes up through the hood, ya know?
I just thought I'd stir the pot a little. I haven't picked on Zig in a while. If the truth be told it's probablly all of us C guys that are jealous of the GMC. Well I'll let you think that atleast.
Captain's Log Captain's Log: Stardate 145 07 "It has been confirmed that the little one we call Ziggy was indeed biten by the spiders from Mars. His symptoms have gotten worse. He continually babbles the "G" word with an occassional "F" bomb exploding in his head. Ready the transporter room, as we may need to beam him to Flint, Michigan for extensive rehabilation.
" You Knew The Job Was Dangerous When You Took It , Fred " ....Just remember when you have the dome light switch apart : polish the contact points , you must never , ever sand nor abrade electrical contacts ! . I wonder about some of you guys.....