Door latch woes...

Discussion in '1967-1972' started by farside847, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. farside847

    farside847 Member

    Dec 31, 2004
    [updated:LAST EDITED ON Jan-31-05 AT 11:34 AM (CST)]Since I got such great help with my suspension questions, I
    thought I would ask about my current project.

    Both of my doors were in sad shape on my 71 Chevy C10. So, I
    ordered up a nice big box of replacement parts and took
    them apart. I replaced the outside handle, keylock, powl,
    and the inside handles and they all worked perfectly, fixing
    many of my problems.

    I also bought a replacement latch assembly for the driver
    side. The replacement was not an original GM part but a
    reproduction that looked similar and was supposedly compatible.
    But the ratchet section did not mesh correctly with the striker.
    I tried re-aligning the door too to try to get it to close,
    but nothing worked. I ended up lubing by old latch and putting
    it back in. It at least closes, but the door is difficult to
    lock with the key when the door is closed. And I have to slam
    it pretty hard.

    Oddly enough, the latch on the passenger side was just the
    opposite. It has a warn barring that makes it impossible to lock
    with the lockpull, it must me locked with the key from the outside.

    Has anyone had any luck with the aftermarket latch? Do I need a
    new striker to get it to work? Are there better aftermarket latches
    out there? Or should I start searching for a GM part?
  2. farside847

    farside847 Member

    Dec 31, 2004
    Found a guy in Texas who had the original GM part! He actually
    runs a small powder coat service where you can buy chrome and
    powder coated latches, strikers, wheels, etc. Has quite the
    inventory of parts if anyone else is looking. His number
    is James @ 903-662-5199

    Im still waiting on UPS to deliver them and I hope they solve
    my door problem.

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