Hi all can anyone tell me does a 1950 drivers side door have a lock on the outside? If so can you post a picture of said lock as my truck does not have a lock.
They did not have locks on the driver's side. You had to unlock the passenger side and crawl through. Some believe they did that since the passenger side is the curb side and in those days were less mucky then the actual road but I am not sure if anyone knows for sure why they didn't have locks on both side. To lock the drivers door you use the inside handle. Same handle you open the door with.
Maybe the reason they only put the one lock on was they wanted the men to be "Gentlemen" and open the doors for their wives/girlfriends. I don't know. I have thought about from time to time. Maybe the real reson is that hthe engineers forgot to put that lock in the drawings, and it just went that way for years.
Several years ago I did a step by step on a drivers side door lock; do a search and it should come up.
Wow~ that link throws me way back in time! 6 FRIGGIN' YEARS LATER, AND I STILL AIN'T DRIVING MY TRUCK!!! BTW, the latch trick is <yet> to be played! I figured I'd wait until I was replacing the windows, and I'd do that all at once. At this rate, the year 2525 sounds about right! Hey, I did get my radio/speakers installed and does it ever kick! Loving it!
Don't feel bad, Zig. I did a survey of my unfinished projects and a close calculation shows I'll have to live to between 225 and 240 years to complete them. We'll celebrate together when all's done.
Hang in there Zig. I am getting close to nine years and have not heard the motor run in the truck. Quality work takes a quality plan and quality plans take time...ya my red headed wife use to believe that? Papy
To Restore Or Drive And some folks wonder why I drive a battered old Shop Truck that smokes , squeaks & rattles it's way down the road . Charles doesn't . Just keep on with the ' Baby Steps ' and afore you know it , you'll be driving .