I'm not sure "workings" is a word but I don't know how else to say it. My truck was in a million pieces when I bought it so I don't know how it was assembled. I'm working on the doors and am having some problems. First, I don't know how to tell the difference between the rt. and lft. door handle controls, do you? Second, I want the doors to have keys on both sides, not just pass. I ordered the 2 lock set from classic, but they didn't sound very confident in telling me that I could have key function on both sides. What about it? I bought all new door latches and strikers. The latche is real stiff and doesn't want to lock. I have lubed it real good and it's better. When I try to push forward to lock the door cont. arm just bows and won't engage the lock in the latch. Any ideas? I will continue to work on it, but I thought I'd see if you guys might shed some light. Thanks Jesse ps my truck is a 53
You are going to modify the driver door, by drilling,punching, and cutting a slot for the latch holder. Plus modifing the handle gizmo, sounds like a lot of work. Could you keep a running log on it?, some of us would like to do that also but I've already spent a day on repop latches and the next time the neighbors are going to calll the police because of the cussing.
Are your doors 53 also? If so, just remove the latches, pull the c clip inside the button, and the washer, spring and old button pull out. Install lock cylander in reverse. As far as right and left, the pin for the inner door handle to connect to in always to the inside top and the rounded part of the striker/latch is always up and pointing inside the cab. If your doors are 51 and earlier, I don't know if the driver's latch even has a provision for an outside lock mechanism. If it does, make a template from the passenger side, flip it over and scribe on the driver's side, cut and install. If not, you may want to consider swapping to bearclaw style latches for security and safety.....these old latches can let loose at inopportune times and dump the contents of your seat out on the street. Good luck.
Door NOT Workings I feel your pain . The latch isn't designed to have a key on the driver's side , welcome to the old car world . I bought new old stock latches and was upset that they were so stiff they didn't work properly , in about one week of use they both loosened up just fine . As far as the remote's rod bowing , you're prolly moving it the wrong direction ~ try actuating the locking arm by hand to ensure you know how it's supposed to go . Looking in older door related posts you'll find good photographs of the correct mounting of the remotes , it's counter intuitive IMO . .
Thanks for the feedback!! I finally figured out that I was sent the wrong lock assys and the little shaft was too long and wouldn't let the latch mechanism return properly. I ordered locks and am waiting for them. I will install on both sides and see if that works. Thanks Nothing but Fun!!