Sweet ! You're so right Martinus THANK YOU for the link ! it's playing now . Often I just listen to the engine but good music makes the drive ever so much better . Saturday last , after I took the dash binnacle apart and cleaned out the 42 years of accumulated dust and washed the gauge faces , hand polished the plastic lenses , re - assembled using the new face plate my son gave me for Father's day , I decided to treat myself to a little drive and headed up The Angeles Crest Highway , that loverly bit of world famous serpentine pavement , I never gave it more than 1/2 throttle and the only vehicles that passed me were Motocycles . What a nice ride , good thing SWMBO wasn't along as her screams would have been heard in New Mexico .
Just added that album to my library. Thanks Martinus. I'll be heading up to the Navasota Blues Festival next month. http://www.navasotabluesfest.org/
What a nice ride , good thing SWMBO wasn't along as her screams would have been heard in New Mexico . Ok...here in New Mexico....we have several things to fear....1st THE TAOS HUM, 2nd The wind cries Mary, Now, SWMBO? Now, some say that THE TAOS HUM is all in our imagination, but in Mora on the other side of the mountains we hear it all of the time. No, really...it's true... it is real! Now, I have never heard THE TAOS HUM, the wind cries Mary, or SWMBO while riding my truck...but them lifters sure sound nice...which reminds me...a few days ago I was out cruising...real old time cruising...and I pull up to a light and some old guy(well a few days or years older than I) pulls up next to me with his window down...he sticks his head out the window...listens...and then gets the biggest grin on his face as he enjoyed the sweet sounds of the lifters, just ticking away...it was the funniest thing and he sure enjoyed those few seconds. Spreading love in the 48 Chevy...life can't get better than that! Rod
Re : " SWMBO " This means : She Who Must Be Obeyed . Yep , the sweet sound of GM's Legend L6 engine is incomparable . In fact , ' CHEVROLET ' isn't the company founder's name , it's an acronym too : Can Hear Everey Valve Rap On Long Etended Trips . And that's the fact , Jack ~ I'd not have it any other way . here in La La Land , (home to fruits nuts & flakes) there are many elderly Hispanics who are still working Tradesmen , they pull up along side of me in my dusty old truck and have wide grins as they wave or honk before driving off in their 5 year old work trucks , always Chevrolets of course .