Russ, Do you have a photo of how you installed the converted vacuum knob to the electrical wiper switch, and what size was the washer you chose? Yesterday I finally put in the electrical wiper motor and have to finish the job today. Had to remove a lot of stuff to get the wiper motor to fit inside without to much. Because the C cable has a longer solid portion than the T cable I may have to switch their location, but installing the wiper motor was easier than I thought it was going to be. I have to finish the outside wiper stuff and then put back all the items I took out. Have to figure how the wipers come off the gizmo at the windshield it was getting dark and I was hungry and tried last night when I turned off the light and went inside. Thanks and Merry Christmas
Just take the factory knob and drill out the hole to the size of the shaft of the new switch. I put some JB Weld in and crammed it over the shaft to make the flat spot. Now drill a small hole from the front and tap for a set screw. On mine, I cut off a screw and slotted the head, but I've found tiny set screws with a hex head for the others. Cut off the shaft to the hight that the knob sits jst above the washer, set the knob on it and tighten the set screw. No one has to know you have modern wipers!