Hey I have a 62 with a six banger and I want to install a V8, I've found motor mount conversion kits for 63's and up will they work? The kits have perches I'm thinkin I'll have to drill right? Thanks for the help
Not for sure,but I think the motor mount conversion kit for 63 will work on your 62.Im not 100% sure might want to ask someone on here with a 63 or before.Welcome to the form.
Ya it should work... Just curious what size engine do you plan on dropping into it? And welcome to the foru !!!
Thanks, I'd like to install either a 283 or 350 BTW will a turbo 350 tranny bolt up to the 235 inline six?
Hi guys. This past year I did the same. I went with the original U style motor mount bracket that bolts to the front of the V8 on either side of the timing cover. The rubber mount from the six works in between that and the frame. The mount holes are already in the truck frame about 7 inches behind the riveted on six bracket. (cut the rivets and take off) This gives you the correct engine location without having to figure anything out if you are using a manual transmission. If you go with an automatic, you will have to get the center crossmember out of the way. You could use perches then and you will have to figure out where to put them. And.......no, a th350 will not bolt up to the old 1962 235. If you go in my pictures and look at the pic titled bye bye six, you can see the front motor mount down by the h-balancer.
Thought of one other thing to mention. If you use a later model automatic with your V8, you will need to use side mount motor mounts----not the front wishbone like mine. The wishbone is for manual only. If the wishbone is used with an automatic, there is too much distance between the front motor mount and the rear transmission mount-- with too much weight hanging in between. The aluminum bell housing will eventually crack. Your easiest solution would be to find the original style 1962 side motor mount towers designed for use with the automatic. They look totally different than the ones for 63-66. I have seen them on ebay for $50.......