Alright fellas, I'm stuck. I'm currently running the 305. The other day while driving to work, cruisin' along, minding my own at about 70-75 mph I could hear the engine starting to work real hard but losing power. I immediately made my way to the shoulder at which time the engine completely died. At the same time I watched the temp. spike about 45 degrees in about 5 seconds. I got out and checked under the truck and there was oil and coolant everywhere, got a tow back home. First thing I checked was the oil, bone dry (oil was full the night before, i checked). I poured about 2 qts into it and figured I'd start it up to see where the oil was coming from. When I turn the key I get one loud "clunk" sound. So I figured maybe I seized the engine. I put a wrench on the flywheel and was still able to turn it by hand, so I'm pretty confident that its not seized. Moved on to checking the battery and connections (good) the starter (good) and the alternator just in case (also good). I know I need to figure out where the oil leaked from but I figured if I could get it to run I would be able to see where its blowing out at. Sorry this is long, I just wanted to get all the details out there. Anyone have some advice on where I should try next? Thanks for your time.
So where did the bulk of the oil seem to be on the engine? Did you check the oil filter for tightness? Just throwing a couple of things out there as a starting point.
Filter was on tight, most of the oil was on the driver side but not on the engine. Most of the pooling was on the frame of the truck.
Re: A couple of possibilities on the driver's side could be oil pan gasket, valve cover gasket or dipstick tube loose. You may have spun a bearing as you say it started losing power. Since there was oil AND coolant all over, you may have broken a rod and punched a hole in the block. Many things could have gone wrong here.
Have you checked your oil pressure sender or tubing (if it's mechanical) to see if it has broke? This would pump all of your oil out of your engine quick....Big Tim
Well ; 305 V8's are still a dime a dozen right ? grab a $150 used one & re seal it against leaks , paint it and slap it in , drive and ponder what to do with the dead one ~ make a high dollar stocker that'll out last you or a Romping Stomping tire shredding beast all chromed up & ready for Saturday night ? what'll it be ? .
also don't overlook the 350 as well. I believe that it should "bolt" right up and those are for sure a dime a dozen!
I had planned on working on a 350 swap, just figured I'd have some more time to save up the cash. Guess now is as good as any!
Your 305 stuff should fit on the 350. Grab a running junker, clean, gasket, transfer parts and slap it in. Mine came out of the junkyard in '05, I ut in a cam and let it roll. I gave $600 for the whole 350/350t combo.