EUREKA!headlamp shaft engaged

Discussion in 'Classic Parts of America Talk' started by 57heaven, Oct 1, 2002.

  1. 57heaven

    57heaven Member

    Aug 18, 2002
    Honolulu America the Beautiful
    :) howziit guys!

    originally, i was not able to install the headlight shaft&knob...unless the switch was in the "HEADLIGHTS ON" position.

    i disassembled the switch again, to see if there was a beveled retainer, that i re-installed incorrectly.

    noooo, the retainer is not beveled; in fact, at the "rest" position, the retainer's spring moves it upward(way off-base), so the shaft cannot enter the retainer and lock in.

    when installing into the dash, if you MISS the slot, and push the internals out of the "HEADLIGHTS ON" position, you're out of luck. the switch will have to be removed and disassembled, to push the internals back in position.

    SOOOOO, after being tired of this tedious task, i drilled a hole in the back of the switch, in order to insert a straightened-out paper clip.

    now, if the shaft fails to engage in the correct position, i simply insert the paper clip, push the internals back to the correct position, and re-insert the headlight shaft and knob.

    BTW, if you disassemble the switch, make sure that you do it in a tiny, uncarpeted room...maybe even the bathtub(plugged, of course.)

    it is SO EASY to lose the small parts; in fact, the last time i disassembled the switch, i lost the long detent spring(twice) and one brass detent.

    how about it, CHEVYDUTY...can i buy those small parts?


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