If you're an inline fan (and even if you're not~) you have GOT to check out the July issue of Classic TRUCKS! They did a number on that old engine. It looks beautiful and failed to give me ANY ideas as what to do to mine! If that is too extreme, check out the similar (but more subduedly done) 6 on the preceding pages!
?? What ?? ' Classic Trucks ' ? whazzat ? any links ? . I subscribe to Vintage Truck by Pat whatzizname....
Heck- I'm sorry- I thought this was a magazine that was coast to coast. I just checked their site, www.classictrucks.com -it's not on there site yet! It's a neat site anyway. But man-o-man, those are two slick 6s! Just wait! (If you CAN'T wait~ $5.00 at Wal-Marts magazine rack.)
Nate, It is a Petersen mag that deals ALMOST exclusively with hot rod trucks & how to modify them. Lots of pictures from big car shows.
I used to subscribe to loads of mags inc classic truck but after waiting all month for it to drop through the door (and fighting the dog for it) I found that I could read it cover to cover in a couple of hours, left me just wanting more, too many advertisments and not enough substance in any of these mags, shame really, they just need more write-ups on the trucks and more how to's, I felt like I was paying for 10 pages of interesting stuff and 50 pages exactly the same as the ones i bought last month! same ads etc ________ Bmw z4
Yea guys, unbelievable article about how much you can do to a Stovebolt 6. No telling how much it would cost!