I'm in the final throws of my 6 month make-over. Everything to make it safe and legal should be in place by next weekend other than paint. Final painting will come in a few months after I do a little cruising. Got a question however; I pulled out both door windows to replace the glass and all of the soft stuff. The old track that goes around the outside of the window has clips that hold it in place, but the new ones I bought from CP do not and I looked in the catalogs and can find nothing but glue. Is glue the way you do it now Thanks!
Not Just ANY Glue.... But 3-M's world famous ' Gorilla Snot ' ! You can re-use the ols clips too but I like to apply the glue in the upper run , install the felt channel then roll the window up to force it in the " Just So " proper fittment and position . leave it 24 hours then you can glue in the lower porion ands leave the window down to hold it there . BTW : GM used these same clips way up into the 70's so liik in junkers for them , you tip it a little them bump it laterally and it'll pop right out .
Gorilla Snot Thanks guys, the glue sounds like the way to go! Hope to have all this done next weekend!