I Got to see and help remove 235 engine that will replace my 216 engine in my 1951 one ton. It has been installed in a 1954 Chevy car chassis. The block casting # is 3738307 = 1958/1959 chev truck or 1958/1960 chevy car. Am I correct so far? I also see a CON 3 B 48 cast # and stamped in the "boss" is F205A. These additional #'s should tell me the date and plant of manufacture and the application. Can anybody fill in the blanks? Next question is water pump I D . How do I Identify whats there and if I need the short shaft pump and or the Water Pump adapter so I do not need to butcher my radiator mounting frame work. This engine is 12 volt with an alternator conversion, so called original 12 volt starter with push button start, original 3 speed tranny with torque tube, bell housing clutch and flywheel. As it is going into my 1 ton with 4 speed sm420 open drive shaft, I will use my old Bellhousing, flywheel. I will put in new throwout bearing, pilot bearing , pressure plate and renew the clutch as needed. Am I missing anything to this point? Next question. Will a 235 splash oiled engine, year unknown intake and exhaust manifold work with this engine? I will add Fenton split exhaust and maybe a dual intake carb setup at a future date Thanks for any and all input. This should be FUN! Jerry
This is an iffy situation with several variables. To find out for sure will cost a set of intake gaskets but that's not bad. If the alignment rings that locate the manifold to the head are the same size you should be good. The 216 has smaller ones and the early 235's also unless they were teamed up with the Power Glide trans. Others can offer more clues I'm sure.