Warning!!! This is another rant about the lack of an assembly order document. I have installed and un-installed the gear shift rod [the one on steering column] so many times I cannot even count them. I was trying to install the firewall cover (the one with the hard plastic over the jute padding) and found out that not only do I have to remove this rod, but I also have to un-install the Choke, Throttle and Speedo cables. Then I discovered that the front fender braces and anything else on the firewall must be installed first. Enough ranting... What I really need to know is how in the heck do you get that firewall cover into place? Knowing I was not ready for the final placement of the cover, I just tried to test fit it. Even sliding it up between the steering column and dash it is extremely difficult to get in without twisting and distorting the cover. When it started making cracking noises, I stopped. Any body have any good tips for getting this puppy into place? Greg
You need to pull in all wires, cables, etc. and the heater removed to do it right. Once the firewall is clear, slide it p and over the steering column, then slide up the pass. side. Now insert the clips to hold it through the firewall, and re install everything. While you have it out, put on some Dynamat or hushmat to help out a little more.