Coming back from the desert trying to outrun the rains, was getting close to Pasadena and seen a Green truck fly by in the slow lane, at the time I was getting out of the carpool lane and headed for the 210/134 exchange. Thought that has to be Nate coming back from a Rally or his favorite pick-a-part with the items in the bed of the truck. Took some doing to catch up had the escape floored and cutting in and out of traffic but sure enough caught up to the green Chevy and there he was smiling as he drove. Honked the horn and waved and off we went I still had another 45 miles to go. Always good to see the Trucks we talk about on the rode and flying past all those new things. Later heard the rains would not be getting here today, I could have drove slower just trying to get home and fix the canopy over the plants so the rain does not pond on them and cause a collapse.
Great story!!! I wanna head out west when I get my truck done so I can meet some of you gents along the way. Damon
Working I'm pretty sure I was slowly rattling & wheezing along trailing a thin plume of blue smoke Charles , prolly not exceeding 60 MPH . I was on my way back from Yucca Valley where I'd gone that morning to purchase a 1968 Honda CL90 Scrambler Motocycle , that was the blue thing you saw in the bed , photos to come when I find my download cable . I've already got it (the Moto) in several hundred pieces , going to make it run again and fix all the little niggly things most sellers lie about , bring the tags & title up current as it still has the old blue & yellow license tags on it then I'll sell it to help fund my C/10's new engine , more on this later , what an adventure to drive to Paradise , Ca. this weekend . BTW : if you want to smile , drive a vintage CHEVROLET or GMC truck ~ stock of course so you can simply enjoy the ride , not worry about the myriad B.S. junk the Hot Rodders always have to hassle with when actually traveling in or (God forbid) Working their old rigs . Motos are also good for this , the smaller the Moto , the more you'll smile . Nice photo of Dennis Hopper Joe ! I fondly remember Easy Rider and miss Mr. Hopper greatly .