Buttcrack , Nevada IIRC some old town in the dead center of _nowhere_ , it took me several hours of flat out driving to get there , no wonder the whole place is pretty much abandoned . I was looking of the pic of my truck and I @ work towing an old MG but I can't seem to find it . I'll keep digging .
More But , only because you asked ~ yahoo seems to have deleted my truck @ work picture . Hm ; yahoo seems to have ruined my farmer Nate pic of me on an old horse drawn Adams Leaning Wheel Road Grader.... It won't load now dammit . The cute little Roadster is a 1932 Austin American , my buddy john opwns it and is afraid to drive it anwhwere , i got it out for a drive last January and we had a ball . Other pic is Jr. and I outside my old shop in No. Ho. .
Pictures at home My brothers , good friend from Polen and me myself in blue T shirt and a beautifull girlfriend .
Martinus I see in the first pic you got your best side view..... . I don't often see Grease Pits anymore , after getting trapped in one and having seen some fires in them from careless mechanics , I no longer use them . Two houses from me has one , the old gent who passed on , was a Mechanic and like me , he lived The Job and brought it home so he built a three car garage with attached shop and of course, added a nice , drained Grease Pit they now have boarded over . GF looks cute ! . So , you're a Farmer then ? BIG tractor there , we had 1930's John Deere 'A' & 'B' Models where I were a laddie .
After some fiddlin' with the system here goes, seems I've put on a few extra pounds since my desert days. Flashlight
My Cadillac wakes up after 2 years in a barn. @Flashlight: This motorcycle is an MZ, build in Germany, 100mi away from me
That where the days MZ Schopau Easter`n Germany. Remember those MZ EZ 125, 250 very well. I had one in burgundy blue with creme white. A good bike and engine but a hell to start these, allways problems with the ignition. One of my first bike whas an 125 EZ, But the one Flashlight is driving is made in Turkey i think has the newer Rotrax engine dos`nt it ? Great picture of you and the car man.
Topic Drift ! Motos , eh ? here I am on one...... BTW : I own lots of old Motos , mostly BMW's but two Urals , I just ordered up a brandy new Ural Solo sT...
Will and Me Here are pics of my 16 year old son, Will, my 3800 now and when I got it in 1989. I included an off brand ugly truck that I sometimes drive too.
Thanks, Federale~ You got this kicked off in a big way. I believe we have _many_ more mugs to see, right? All of you have made this a great site to visit and learn from. I appreciate all of you~ even Neil. (Which we need to see sands the bag...) Brian~ I'll never forget the trips you and your lovely wife made down here. I promise I'll be up there within the year. HOWEVER... Thought I'd post a manly man picture that you missed. You know~ A true man that owns a GMC!!! The first picture is called, "Driving a GMC..." The next is ...well... I just couldn't keep a straight face! Ya got me! Glad to see you all.