So, the other week I was spending the week painting near Aiken, SC. I stopped at the Ditch Pond Heritage Preserve, a Carolina bay. I was the only one hiking there that day. I looked over in the woods just off the state property and saw..... Man, I really want that grille guard. There are no close houses, they have been there for a while, look undisturbed. a69 Firebird 400 70 Mach1....
What a find, Russ!! You've really hit a jackpot there, haven't you?? All sorts of fun stuff tucked back away in the woods. I think you've solved a mystery for me. The fender ornaments on the AD appear to match the hood ornament that is on my grandpa's truck. Do you recognize them? I'd love to find one for my clone project!! If you can find someone to deal with and you're able to get your hands on the grille guard, I'd throw you some bucks for one or both of the fender ornaments. Please let me know if you have any luck. Thanks! Damon
I am not positive what they came from, but they can usually be found at the Charlotte Auto fair swap meet. It will be coming around in September.
Russ, If you go to the swap meet and find one, would you please keep me in mind? I have no idea how much they sell for, but I am interested in having one for my pick-up. Thanks again. Damon
Damon, the hood ornaments on the fenders of that AD are '48 chevy passenger car ornaments. Pretty sure I've got 1, maybe 2 somewhere! You want it? Ken
Damon, I'll try to find it tomorrow and shoot a pic of it and post it. In the meantime, here's a shot of the hood ornament on my old '48. Ken
It sure looks like a match to me, Ken. But the photo I'm going off of is not a very high-quality shot... so it's hard to tell. Could you take a peek at the first page of my build thread and let me know what you think? Looking forward to seeing the photo of what you have! Thanks again. Damon
id grab that bumper guard and the fender chrome thingers... dont think anyone would notice theyre gone.... then say a hail mary
I'ma...... Country Mortar Forker fer dang sure ~ I love those turn signals and the fender spears too . In 1963 or so , that Rig would have also had dual exhaust stacks and damn your burned fingers ! . I hope you scanvange some parts off this lump before it gets found and dragged off for scrap . I'd love those turn signals , might look good on my current pickup . What's the pickup I spy behind the mach 1 ? . maybe a '69 or '70 ? . Lastly , is that an original GM flat bed ? . well worth saving , I bet it has all the impossible to find hardware on it .
Damon, here are some pics of the '48 passenger car hood ornament I've got. Definitely a match to what's on the fenders. You are right though, it's hard to tell if it matches the ornament on the truck in your pics. Ken
It did look like a GM flatbed, but is rusted through in a few corners. I didn't pull anything off, had no tools......
Ken, Thanks for posting the photos, and thanks for taking another look at the photo of my grandpa's truck. Your hood ornament looks fantastic! I sent you a message. Russ, Maybe we could all pitch in and get you a Leatherman or some other multi-tool for you to keep handy... just in case you find some more roadside gems. Damon
A '70 Mach 1 and a '69 Firebird... hard to believe there are still folks letting these vehicles rot away in a field. Lots of money just rusting away....