Does anyone know if you can swap a 1978 nose to a 1984 body? I know you can swap the 80's style onto the 70's, but i like the 70's better and I own a 1984 Scottsdale
yeah, its easier than doing the other way because the hood hinges are mounted on the fender and not the cab.
front end swap The thing that I am worried about is the 78 hood clearing the 84 wiper blade arms any info would help
You do have to use the old style wiper setup.Have to redrill holes for it too.How the core support mounts will need attention and the top bolt holes for the fenders.
The front frame horn ends are different so bumper mounting will take some creativity. 73-80 bolted right to the frame ends. 81-up had a bracket. If you cut off the last few inches off a 73-80, you could probably graft them onto your frame horns, or even better, to your brackets. Then you could switch back with an OEM pair of brackets. One modified set of brackets with 73-80 frame horns for a 73-80 bumper, another unmodified 81-up set to switch back to an 81-up bumper if you wanted.